Laporan Tahunan YEU 2023

Laporan Tahunan YEU 2023

YEU Profile

YEU brochure in english

Profil YEU

Brosur YEU dalam bahasa Indonesia

Menginspirasi Inovasi dan Kolaborasi untuk Penanggulangan Bencana Inklusif

Melalui Laporan Pembelajaran ini, Tim Penyusun menampilkan secara ringkas proses dan hasil pembelajaran seluruh tim inovator di DIY, baik dari angkatan pertama (IDEAKSI 1.0) maupun kedua (IDEAKSI 2.0).

Inspiring Innovation and Collaboration for Community-led Inclusive Disaster

IDEAKSI had provided assistance to two groups of innovator teams in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The first batch (IDEAKSI 1.0) involved nine innovators at the prototyping stage, during September 2021 - April 2022, and four innovators at the scaling up stage. The second batch (IDEAKSI 2.0) involved 15 teams of innovators starting from the search phase in May 2023 and the assisted de

Documentation of the CLIP Annual Workshop 2023: Building Resilience Togethe

The CLIP Annual Workshop or CLIP Annual Meeting is a space to discuss and reflect on the CLIP implementation process carried out by each organisation. This meeting was attended by representatives of CLIP partner institutions from the UK (Elrha), Start Network, and Japan (ADRRN), as well as CLIP implementing organisations from Guatemala (Asociaci�³n de Ser

Developing Innovation Hub through Partnerships for Inclusive Disaster Manag

This book provides practical guidelines for becoming an innovation hub, as YEU runs the IDEAKSI Program as a disaster management innovation hub in Indonesia. This guide was developed in 2023 by U-Inspire Indonesia as the local innovation advisor for CLIP IDEAKSI.

KAK Pembenahan dan Penataan Learning Lab Disaster Oasis

KAK Pembenahan dan Penataan Learning Lab Disaster Oasis

Brosur YEU

Brosur YEU 2001-2022

Ayo Hemat Air

Ayo hemat air

Mitra Kami

Media Sosial
