- All
- Training on Disaggregated Data Collection and Rapi
- Educational Outcome Workshop on Household Waste Ma
- Door to Door Dissemination of Waste Bank Group
- Gender and Entrepreneurship Together (GET) Trainin
- Paving Block Publication
- YEU 23rd Anniversary
- OCHA Visit to YAKKUM Emergency Unit
- Public Speaking Training for Local Innovators in P
- Disaster Management Training for Local Innovators
- IDEAKSI: PSEAH and Psychological First Aid Trainin
- How to be a Facilitator
- Mount Ruang Eruption Emergency Response
- Emergency Response Training for YEU Staffs
- Emergency Response in Central Java
- Earthquake Emergency Response Simulation (Cianjur,
- Financial Training for Family Welfare Empowerment
- Safeguarding Training for Indonesian Association o
- Humanitarian Inclusion Standard Training (Palu, Ce
- Training on Recycled Product Making
- Safeguarding and Whistleblowing Training
- Joint Disaster Preparedness Training
- Response Demak
- Response Grobogan
- YAKKUM Emergency Unit Volunteer Capacity Building
- Mock Drill with DRR Forum and BPBD
- Demo Day
- Pembuatan KTP, KK, KIA Untuk Kelompok Rentan
- Partner Assessment CLIP IDEAKSI 2.0
- Rangkaian Lokakarya Orientasi Inovator IDEAKSI 2.0
- Capacity Building WPEG at Kapopo
- Church Volunteer Jamboree #2
- Hari Ulang Tahun YAKKUM Emergency Unit ke-22
- LEAP Project-DRR Forum Coordination in village lev
- YAKKUM Learning Carnival
- Donor Visit: AWO International to Cianjur, West Ja
- Multi Stakeholder Meeting-CLIP Project
- Church Volunteer Training 2023
- COVID-19 Vaccination Program
- Response COVID-19
- Sulawesi Tengah Response 2018-2019
- Community Resilience Fund by Women Groups
- Gunungkidul-ICCTF
- Lombok Gempa bumi 2018
- Sulawesi Tengah, Gempa tsunami 2018
- Simulasi Sekolah
- Simulasi Desa
- Pendampingan Lansia-SANA
- ICCTF 2017
- Foto respon 2017
- Konservasi Telaga Makam
- Pelatihan Pembuatan Pakan Ternak Alternatif Giriti
- Diskusi kelompok rentan-lansia
- Foto Program Mentawai
Social Media